O lovers, O lovers,
I’ve lost the wine glass.
I’m drunk from the wine
not found in a wine glass.
—Mawlana Rumi, Ghazal 1371, translation by Muhammad Ali Mojaradi.
Reclaiming Rumi is no easy task; we’re up against decades of mistranslations and centuries of orientalist narratives about Islam. We’re also faced with a post-colonial wealth disparity and a lack of institutions designed to address the modern, secularized world - but we have the heart and soul of Rumi and with that, we can win this fight.
Reclaiming Rumi is no easy task; we’re up against decades of mistranslations and centuries of orientalist narratives about Islam. We’re also faced with a post-colonial wealth disparity and a lack of institutions designed to address the modern, secularized world - but we have the heart and soul of Rumi and with that, we can win this fight.
If you encounter a fake Rumi quote, please tag @rumiwasmuslim on Instagram and Twitter, or link to this website. If you see a friend reading a fake Rumi ‘translation,’ be sure to direct them to this website. You can also re-tweet this thread:
If you encounter a fake Rumi quote, please tag @rumiwasmuslim on Instagram and Twitter, or link to this website. If you see a friend reading a fake Rumi ‘translation,’ be sure to direct them to this website. You can also re-tweet this thread:
Ultimately, the truth will prevail.
Ultimately, the truth will prevail.